Page:Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America, volume 1.djvu/535

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( 507 . )

Acer rubrum, 287, 352
Adonis autumnalis, 48
Æsculus Pavia, 402
Alcedo Alcyon, 394
American Bear, 479
———— Cane, 149
———— Goldfinch, 172
———— Hare, 272
———— Pokeweed, 179
———— Redstart, 202
Anthus pipiens, 408
——— Spinoletta, 49
Autumnal Warbler, 447
Azure Warbler, 255
Baltimore Oriole, 66
Barred Owl, 242
Bay-breasted Warbler, 358
Bay-winged Bunting, 473
Bead-tree, 330
Bear, Black, 479
Bear-berry, 257
Belted Kingsfisher, 394
Betula papyracea, 449
Bewick's Wren, 96
Bignonia capreolata, 334
———— radicans, 254
Birch, Paper, 449
Bird of Washington, 58
Bitterwood, 123
Blackberry, 152
Black-billed Cuckoo, 170
Black-and-white Creeper, 452
——————— Warbler, 290
Black Oak, 426
Black Walnut, 433
Black Warrior, 441
Blue-grey Fly-catcher, 431
Blue Tangles, 129
Blue-winged Yellow Warbler, 102
Blue-green Warbler, 258
Blue Yellow-backed Warbler, 78
Bombycilla carolinensis, 227
Bonaparte's Fly-catcher, 27
Boon, Colonel, 503
Broad-winged Hawk, 461
Brown Titlark, 49
Buck-eye, Dwarf, 402
Bull-frog, 367
Bunting, Henslow's, 360
——— Towhe, 150
Cactus opuntia, 475
Callicarpa americana, 592
Cane, American 149, 458
Cane-brake, 458
Caprimulgus carolinensis, 273
—————— vociferus, 422
Carolina Parrot, 135
Carolina Rose, 472
Carbonated Warbler, 308
Castanea pumila, 436
Cassia occidentalis, 181
Cedar Bird, 227
Cedar, Red, 230
Certhia varia, 452
Chestnut-sided Warbler, 306
Chicasaw Plum, 282
Children's Warbler, 180
Chinquapin, 436
Chuck-will's-widow, 273
Cinereous Eagle, 64
Cliff Swallow, 353
Cnicus lanceolatus, 176
Cockle-bur, 140
Coccyzus americanus, 18
———— erythrophthalmus, 170
Columba carolinensis, 91
———— migratoria, 319
Columbia Jay, 483