Page:Oscar Ameringer - Socialism for the Farmer (1912).djvu/7

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Oscar Ameringer

The Author of this Pamphlet is one of the Editors of the National Rip-Saw, a monthly magazine published at 411 Olive Street, St. Louis Mo.

Mr. Ameringer's timely articles appear in each issue of the magazine, and in addition every issue contains articles and editorials by Eugene V. Debs, W. S. Morgan, H, M. Tichenor, and Kate Richards O'Hare, constituting the most brilliant staff gathered together on any Journal in the English-speaking world.

The Rip-Saw was founded in 1904, and now has a circulation of 200,000 copies monthly, extending throughout the length and breadth of the American continent. This great circulation was secured solely through the volunteer work of those who like the magazine, working without salaries or commissions. The Rip-Saw is unique in the journalistic field. It follows a revolutionary policy, written in language for the average reader.

If you are not already a subscriber, send at once for a free sample copy, enclose 50 cents for a full year's subscription, or, better still, send one dollar and the names of four yearly subscribers.