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cave through which she had passed from the outer world into this strange retreat. She went in and found herself in a lofty rock chamber, from which led several smaller grottoes, one of which was evidently used as a kind of stable, for there was fodder in it and the trace of a horse's occupation. Saddles, bridles, and stout leather saddle bags lay stacked on the ground near the entrance to the stable cell. She wondered vaguely how they had come there, and by whom the place was used, but she was too dazed and her mind too pre-occupied with her own danger for the real truth to take any hold upon her faculties. There was no outlet to the stable cell. Of that she assured herself, and proceeded to examine the rest of the chamber, going systematically round its wall. There were two other grottoes, both without an outlet, and both used apparently as sleeping quarters, for in each was a rude wooden bunk and roll of blankets and some saddlebags that seemed to be tilled with blankets or clothes. In each also was a tin basin and soap, and some toilet implements. Elsie pursued her investigations in the larger cave. Here also was a bunk, and piled in the corner were some more rolls of blankets. Near the mouth of the cave were the remains of a fire, and there were several blackened billys and pint pots lying about. She saw also a rude settle and a sort of table made of slabs laid upon four firm stones. In a recess was a supply of provisions; bags, large and small, some sticky with sugar and white and caked with flour, and others which she supposed contained tea; several small kegs, and some cakes of store tobacco. She saw also tins of preserved meat or grocery. Then the truth flashed upon Elsie. She was in Moonlight's lair.

She forgot everything in the excitement of her discovery. She rushed out into the open. Trant was still standing passively against the wall. "I know you," the girl cried. "How could you dare to bring me here? Are you not afraid? This is Moonlight's hiding-place. You have been lying to me; lying, lying all through. I understand everything now. I understand why Sam Shehan didn't want us to come here. You are Moonlight—you—you——"