Page:Outlines of Physical Chemistry - 1899.djvu/6

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ORGANIC CHEMICAL MANIPULATION. By J. T. Hewitt, MA., D.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry in the East London Technical College. With 63 Illustrations. Crown 8vo.

Contents : Purification of Organic Substances — Ultimate Analysis of Organic Compounds— Determination of Equivalent and Molecular Weights. — The Estimation of Special Groups in Organic Compounds— Preparation of Organic Compounds of the Fatty Series: Hydro-carbons; Alcohols; Mono-basic Acids; Dibasic Acids; Esters; Aldehydes; Ketones and Ketonic Acids; Sugars — Compounds of Aromatic Series: Nitro-Compounds; Amido-Compounds; Sulphonation; Phenols; Quinones; Acids; Aldehydes and Ketones — Closed Chain Compounds — Colouring Matters, &c.

ELECTROLYTIC METHODS OF ANALYSIS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE. Translated from the German of Dr. Bernard Neumann by J. B. C. Kershaw, F.I.C. With 37 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Contents : The Phenomena of Electrolysis— Faraday's Law— The Constitution of the Electrolyte— The Migration of the Ions — The Conductivity of the Electrolyte — The Dissociation Theory — The Chemical and Molecular Changes during Electrolysis— Measurement of the Current Strength — Measurement of the Electro-Motive Force (E.M.F.)— Increasing the Current Strength— Reducing the Current Strength— Electrolytic Procedure : Introductory—Deposition of Metals from Solutions of Pure Salts— Separation of the Metals— Practical Examples— Theoretical Percentage of the Metallic Elements in certain Metallic Salts — Index.

VOLUMETRIC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. By J. B. Coppock, Lecturer in Chemistry, Bath Technical Schools.

WHITTAKER & CO., London, E.C.