Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/26

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421-422. Sir Charles Sedley. b. 1639, d 1701 488-490
423. Aphra Behn. b. 1640, d. 1689 490
424-427. John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester. b 1647, d. 1680 490-493
428-429. John Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire b. 1648, d 1721 494-495
430. Thomas Otway. b. 1652, d. 1685 495
431. John Oldham. b 1653, d 1683 496
432-439. Matthew Prior b. 1664, d 1721 496-505
440. William Walsh. b 1663, d 1708 506
441. Lady Grisel Baillie. b 1665, d 1746 506-508
442-443 William Congreve. b. 1670, d 1729 508-509
444. Joseph Addison b. 1672, d 1719 509-510
445-446 Isaac Watts. b 1674, d 1748 510-513
447. Thomas Parnell. b 1679, d. 1718 513-514
448. Allan Ramsay. b 1686, d. 1758 514-515
449 William Oldys b 1687, d 1761 515-516
450 John Gay. b 1685, d 1732 516
451-453. Alexander Pope. b. 1688, d. 1744 517-520
454 Anonymous 521
455-456. Henry Carey. b. ?1693, d. 1743 521-524
457. William Broome. b 1689, d 1745 524
458. James Thomson b. 1700, d 1748 524-525
459. Charles Wesley b 1707, d 1788 525-526
460-461. Samuel Johnson b 1709, d. 1784 527-529
462. Richard Jago. b 1715, d. 1781 529
463. Anonymous 530
464. William Shenstone. b. 1714, d 1763 530-531
465-468. Thomas Gray. b 1716, d. 1771 531-543
469-472. William Collins. b. 1721, d. 1759 543-548
473-475. Mark Akenside. b. 1721, d 1770 548-552
476. Thomas Osbert Mordaunt. b. 1730, d 1809 552
477. John Scott of Amwell. b 1730, d. 1783 553
478 Tobias George Smollett. b. 1721, d. 1771 553-554
479. Christopher Smart. b. 1722, d. 1770 554-557
480. Jane Elliot. b 1727, d 1805 558
481-482. Oliver Goldsmith. b. 1728, d. 1774 559