Page:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu/127

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He replied that both our steps were guided by the infinite, and that circumstances that seemed to be random were essentially guided by the active side of infinity. He called it intent.

—What got us together —he continued—, was the infinite intent. It is impossible to determine what is this infinite intent, however it is there, as palpable as you and me. Shamans say is an air tremor. The shamans advantage is in knowing that there is an air tremor and nod to it, nothing else. for shamans there is no brooding, questions, speculations. They know all they have is the possibility of joining the infinite intent, and they do..." C.C.


Castaneda relates how is known world became "disturbed", as he got involved in the Don Juan teachings. Comfort and the inconsequential began to suffocate him. This led him to change city and university, but the grotesque of this world watched as he moved away or how his everyday life worked loose. He began to see himself reflected in the emptiness of his friends. And as Don Juan explained to him what he, apparently does not understand.

Not just a shaman teachings can change a person's life. Readers of the Castaneda work that inflexibly try and using all their will power. With the greatest discipline and responsibility apply in their everyday life the techniques that Castaneda explain in "Journey to Ixtlán" to "clean the tonal island" will definitely change the life of the scrupulous practitioner. In short, the simple energy saving, power the individual and takes him out of laziness and existential banality.

"—Your world ends —he said—. It is the end of an era for you. Do you think the world you have known all your life is going to peacefully leave you, just like that? No! It is going to struggle under you and strike you with its tail..." C.C.


Castaneda tells us that the city of Los Angeles has always been his home. He is not exactly sure where he was born, and is really unimportant. The modern nagual managed to end his personal history and that is what matters. But the few data points that he was born in Brazil, but as a teenager went to live in California, United States

This short story tells of how difficult it is to get out of the world where people are locked. Tells the story of a friend who insistently wanted to flee los Angeles and go live in New York, and that it was always impossible. And tells how he also wanted to do it and failed to an unbalanced psychologist and an anthropologist teacher that results in a fiasco. Castaneda neither can take the easy door out of his own cage.

"Avidly sought don Juan company. I left everything pending in Los Angeles to make the trip to Sonora. I told him of the strange humor I had when I was with my friends. Crying of remorse, I told him that I had begun judging them.

—Do not go crazy over anything —don Juan said calmly—. You know that an entire era of your life is ending, but the era does not end until the King dies.

—What do you mean by that, don Juan?

You are the King and you are exactly like your friends. This is the truth that is shaking you in your pants. One thing you can do is accept things as they are, that of course