Page:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu/70

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This book clarifies what was already felt since "The Second Ring of Power": Carlos Castaneda did not couple perfectly with his litter. Don Juan not had noticed that Castaneda only had three compartments instead of the four which his luminous body should have had, this turned him into a "three-point nagual" for which the normal rule did not apply, and in addition there were two northern reveries in the group (“the fat lady” and Rosa).

Each group or cycle that knows the rule consists of 17 persons as a minimum; eight female warriors (4 stalkers and 4 reveries), four male warriors and four others, and the nagual woman.

Don Juan group was formed by Cecilia, Delia, Teresa, Olinda and Emilito; Vicente Medrano, Hermelinda, Carmela, Juan Tuna, Zuleica, Zoila, Silvio Manuel, Martha, Nélida, Florinda, Genaro Flores and Juan Matus.

The Group of Carlos Castaneda so far (at least in the books) consists of: Soledad, Maria Elena ("the fat lady"), Lidia, Rosa, Josefina, Eligio, Benigno, Nestor, Pablito and women nagual (Carol).

In this book Castaneda describes 7 principles and 3 rules of stalkers, which are the following:

  1. Choose the battle field.
  2. Eliminate all unnecessary.
  3. The warrior must be ready at any time to enter in battle (but not crazy).
  4. The warrior must rest, forgetting himself and not be afraid.
  5. The warrior must not follow the flow; when he cannot move forward, the warrior must withdraw momentarily and deal with other things.
  6. The warrior must know how to compress time (cannot waste an instant).
  7. The warrior never reveals his play and does not get in front of anything.

The three rules Don Juan described are:

  1. Everything around us is an unfathomable mystery.
  2. We must try to decipher the mystery without hope of success.
  3. Aware of the unfathomable mystery around him, the warrior takes a legitimate place as an additional mystery; therefore, the mystery of being, has no limit.

Don Juan said that the 7 principles and 3 rules of stalking implementation, has the following result for the warrior:

  1. Never takes himself seriously, laughs of himself and as he can play a fools role, he can fool anyone.
  2. Is never in a hurry, never gets upset and have an endless patience.
  3. Learns to develop an infinite improvising capacity.

The RULE states:

That the power that govern the destiny of all living beings in the world is known as the "Eagle" (but it is not an Eagle)