Page:Pearl of Asia (Child JT, 1892).pdf/10

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By reference to the map it will be found that Siamis an extensive kingdom of southeastern Asia, containing an area of about 250,000 square miles. In the north the country is mountainous, but it stretches toward the south into well-watered fertile plains on which are raised large crops of paddy (rice), the principal article of export; the next article of importance is teak wood, obtained from the forests in the interior and rafted down the river. Sugar cane, pepper, teal seed and fruit trees are also largely cultivated.

The government is an absolute monarchy, nominally hereditary, but the sovereign H. M. Phrabat Somdetch Phra Paramendr Chulalongkorn is invested with the power of appointing his successor. A Council of Ministers (Senabodie), with the King at its head, exercises the legislative power. There is also a Council of State which consists of the Ministers, ten to twenty members appointed by the King and six Princes of the royal house. For administrative purposes the kingdom is divided into forty-one provinces, each presided over by a Governor appointed by the King. The prevailing religion is Buddhism, the King being at the head of the church, but perfect freedom is allowed to Christian missionaries, Mahometans and all others. The King's revenue has been estimated at about $10,000,000 a year, derived chiefly from land tax, spirits, opium,