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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

4. Marine Combat Units Go to DaNang, March 1965
5. Phase I in the Build-Up of U.S. Forces: March – July 1965
6. U.S. Ground Strategy and Force Deployments: 1965 – 1967 (3 Vols.)
a. Volume I: Phase II, Program 3, Program 4
b. Volume II: Program 5
c. Volume III: Program 6
7. Air War in the North: 1965 – 1968 (2 Vols)
a. Volume I
b. Volume II
8. Re-emphasis on Pacification: 1965–1967
9. U.S.–GVN Relations (2 Vols.)
a. Volume 1: December 1963 – June 1965
b. Volume 2: July 1965 – December 1967
10. Statistical Survey of the War, North and South: 1965 – 1967
V. Justification of the War (11 Vols.)
A. Public Statements (2 Vols.)
Volume I: A--The Truman Administration
B--The Eisenhower Administration
C--The Kennedy Administration
Volume II: D--The Johnson Administration
B. Internal Documents (9 Vols.)
1. The Roosevelt Administration
2. The Truman Administration: (2 Vols.)
a. Volume I: 1945–1949
b. Volume II: 1950–1952
3. The Eisenhower Administration: (4 Vols.)
a. Volume I: 1953
b. Volume II: 1954–Geneva
c. Volume III: Geneva Accords – 15 March 1956
d. Volume IV: 1956 French Withdrawal – 1960
4. The Kennedy Administration (2 Vols.)
Book I
Book II
VI. Settlement of the Conflict (6 Vols.)
A. Negotiations, 1965–67: The Public Record
B. Negotiations, 1965–67: Announced Position Statements
C. Histories of Contacts (4 Vols.)
1. 1965–1966
2. Polish Track
3. Moscow–London Track
4. 1967–1968

Leslie H. Gelb
Chairman, OSD Task Force

Total Vols.