Page:Persian Literature (1900), vol. 1.djvu/183

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Nor trust the seeming weakness of a foe!"[43]
  "Hence with complaint," the dauntless youth replied,
  "To-morrow's contest shall his fate decide."

  When Rustem was released, in altered mood
  He sought the coolness of the murmuring flood;
  There quenched his thirst; and bathed his limbs, and prayed,
  Beseeching Heaven to yield its strengthening aid.
  His pious prayer indulgent Heaven approved,
  And growing strength through all his sinews moved;[44]
  Such as erewhile his towering structure knew,
  When his bold arm unconquered demons slew.
  Yet in his mien no confidence appeared,
  No ardent hope his wounded spirits cheered.

  Again they met. A glow of youthful grace,
  Diffused its radiance o'er the stripling's face,
  And when he saw in renovated guise,
  The foe so lately mastered; with surprise,
  He cried--"What! rescued from my power, again
  Dost thou confront me on the battle plain?
  Or, dost thou, wearied, draw thy vital breath,
  And seek, from warrior bold, the shaft of death?
  Truth has no charms for thee, old man; even now,
  Some further cheat may lurk upon thy brow;
  Twice have I shown thee mercy, twice thy age
  Hath been thy safety--twice it soothed my rage."
  Then mild the Champion: "Youth is proud and vain!
  The idle boast a warrior would disdain;
  This aged arm perhaps may yet control,
  The wanton fury that inflames thy soul!"

  Again, dismounting, each the other viewed
  With sullen glance, and swift the fight renewed;
  Clenched front to front, again they tug and bend,
  Twist their broad limbs as every nerve would rend;
  With rage convulsive Rustem grasps him round;
  Bends his strong back, and hurls him to the ground;
  Him, who had deemed the triumph all his own;
  But dubious of his power to keep him down,
  Like lightning quick he gives the deadly thrust,
  And spurns the Stripling weltering in the dust.
  --Thus as his blood that shining steel imbrues,
  Thine too shall flow, when Destiny pursues;[45]