Page:Persian Literature (1900), vol. 1.djvu/373

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  Praise, praise to Mahmud, who of like renown,
  In battle or the banquet, fills the throne;
  Lord of the realms of Chín and Hindústán,
  Sovereign and Lord of Persia and Túrán,
  With his loud voice he rends the flintiest ear;
  On land a tiger fierce, untouched by fear,
  And on the wave, he seems the crocodile
  That prowls amidst the waters of the Nile.
  Generous and brave, his equal is unknown;
  In deeds of princely worth he stands alone.
  The infant in the cradle lisps his name;
  The world exults in Mahmud's spotless fame.
  In festive hours Heaven smiles upon his truth;
  In combat deadly as the dragon's tooth;
  Bounteous in all things, his exhaustless hand
  Diffuses blessings through the grateful land;
  And, of the noblest thoughts and actions, lord;
  The soul of Gabriel breathes in every word,
  May Heaven with added glory crown his days;
  Praise, praise to mighty Mahmud--everlasting praise!