Page:Philological Museum v2.djvu/272

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262 Miscellaneous Observations. Before I close these remarks I must repeat that I am but too well aware how very imperfect they are, and that these questions require much more thought and much more research to be answered in a satisfactory manner : but these unfortunately it is not at present in my power to give to them ; nor should I have toucht on them till I had tried to fit myself for the task by the necessary investigations, but that I thought myself in a manner bound to take some notice of G. C. L.**s suggestions. If the reader will not accept this apology, let him shame me by treating the subject as it ought to be treated, so that in the midst of my shame I may at least have the pleasure of being set right and of acknowledging my obligations to him for clearing up a question which I may be thought to have left more perplext than I found it. J. C. H.