Page:Philological Museum v2.djvu/32

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22 Imaginary Co7iversation. serene^ not of a quality to exhibit the intensity of thought^ or even the habitude of reflexion^ nor capable of expressing the plenitude of joy ; and her countenance was tinged with so delicate a colour^ that it appeared an effluence from an irradiated cloudy passing over it in the heavens. The third figure^ who sometimes stood in one place and sometimes m another^ and of whose countenance I could only distinguish that it was pale anxious and mistrustful^ interrupted her perpetually. I listened attentively and with curiosity to the conversation^ and by degrees I caught the appellations they interchanged. The one I found was Hope ; and I wondered I did not Jind it out sooner: the other was Fear; which I should not have found out at all ; for she did not look ter- rible nor aghast^ but more like Sorrow or Despondency. The jirst words I could collect of Hope were these^ spoken very mildly., and rather with a look of appeal than of accusation. Too surely you have forgotten^ for never was child more forget-^ ful or more ungrateful^ how many times I have carried you in my bosom^ when even your mother drove you from her^ and when you could Jind 710 other resting-place in heaven or earth. O ujisteddy unruly Love ! cried the pale Goddess with much energy^ it has often been by my interve7ition that thy wavering authority was Jixt. For this I hove thrown alarm after alarm into the heedless breast that Hope had once be- guiled^ a7id that was growiiig insensible and torpid under her feebler injluence. I do not upbraid thee ; and it never was my nature to caress thee; but I claim from thee my portion of the human hearty mine^ ever mine^ abhorrent as it may be of me. Let Hope staiid on 07ie side of thy altars^ but let my place be 07i the other ; or I swear by all the gods I not any altar shall thou possess upon the globe. She ceased . . and Love treinbled. He turned his eyes upon Hope., as if i7i his turn appealing to her. She said^ It must be so ; it was so from the beginning of the world : only let me never lose you from my sight. She clasped her ha7ids upon her breast^ as she said it^ and he looked on her with a smile., and was going up (/ thought) to kiss her^ when he urns recalled aiid stopped. Where Love is^ there ivill I be also^ said Fear., a7id even thou^ Hope ! never shall be beyond my power.