Page:Philosophical Review Volume 1.djvu/9

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Editor.—Prefatory Note 1


Burt, B. C.—Natural Science and the Philosophy of Nature 284
Calderwood, H.—Animal Ethics as Described by Herbert Spencer 241
Calkins, M. W.—A Suggested Classification of Cases of Association 389
Dewey. J.—Green's Theory of the Moral Motive 593
Gilman, B. I.—On Some Psychological Aspects of the Chinese Musical System – Part 1 54
Gilman, B. I.—On Some Psychological Aspects of the Chinese Musical System – Part 2 154
Hill, D. J.—Psychogenesis 481
Hyslop, J. H.—Inhibition and the Freedom of the Will 369
James, W.—A Plea for Psychology as a Natural Science 146
James, W.—Thought before Language: A Deaf-Mute's Recollections 613
Ladd, G. T.—Psychology as So-called Natural Science 24
Marshall, H. R.—Pleasure-Pain and Sensation 625
Nichols, H.—The Origin of Pleasure and Pain - Part 1 403
Nichols, H.—The Origin of Pleasure and Pain - Part 2 518
Oliver, J. E.—A Mathematical View of the Free-will Question 292
Ritchie, D. G.—What is Reality? 265
Seth, A.—Psychology, Epistemology, and Metaphysics 129
Seth, A.—The Problem of Epistemology 504
Stanley, Hiram M.—On Primitive Consciousness 433
Sterrett, J. M.—The Ultimate Ground of Authority 253
Watson, J.—The Critical Philosophy and Idealism 9


Gordy, J. P.—Professor Ladd's Criticism of James's Psychology 299
Schiller, F. C. S.—Reality and "Idealism" 535
Strong, C. A.—Dr. Münsterberg's Theory of Mind and Body and its Consequences 179
