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There was a lady there, a friend of mine;
He made some joke about it; "What," said I—
"What, you young puppy, have you learnt to bark?"
Gna. (laughing). Ha, ha,—ho, ho! O dear!
Thra. You seem amused.
Gna. (roaring still louder). Oh! good indeed! delicious! excellent!
Nothing can beat it!—Tell me now, though, really—
Was that your own? I thought it had been older?
Thra. (somewhat disconcerted). What?—had you heard it?
Gna. Often; why, it's reckoned
The best thing out.
Thra. (complacently). It's mine.

—Act iii. sc. 1.

The new Ethiopian slave, Phædria's gift, is introduced by Parmeno, and even Thraso, who is present, is obliged to confess that, black man as he is, he is a very good-looking young fellow. Parmeno assures them that his person is his least recommendation; let them test his accomplishments in literature, in music, in fencing—they will find them such as will make him a most valuable addition to a lady's retinue.[1] And Parmeno hopes that Thais will show a little kindness to his young master in return for his well-chosen present; which, however, in the Captain's presence, she will by no means profess herself inclined to do.

But this new servitor soon causes a terrible scandal in

  1. "Viola. I'll serve this duke;
    Thou shalt present me as an eunuch to him:
    It may he worth thy pains; for I can sing,
    And speak to him. in many sorts of music."
    —Twelfth Night, act i. sc. 2.