Page:Plautus and Terence.djvu/62

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Phil. Will you get up? (shaking him.) I say,—my father's here!
Call. (jumping up). Father here? where? Give me my
slippers, somebody!
My sword, there!—polish the old gentleman off in no time.

—Act ii. sc. 2.

But Tranio proves equal to the occasion. He desires them all to keep quiet where they are, to let him lock the house up and take the key of the street-door, and go to meet his elder master with a story which he has ready for him. The good citizen makes his appearance in the next scene, congratulating himself heartily on having escaped the perils of this his first—and, as he is determined it shall be, his last—sea voyage.

Enter Theuropidesslaves following with his luggage.
Tranio looking round a corner, and listening.
Theu. I do return you hearty thanks, good Neptune,
For letting me out of your clutches safe and sound,
Though scarce alive; but if from this time forward
You catch me setting foot in your dominions,
I give you leave—free leave—that very instant,
To do with me—what you've just tried to do.
Avaunt! Anathema! I do abjure ye
From this same day! (looking back towards the harbour,
and shaking his fist). I've trusted to ye once,
But never will I run such risk again.
Tran. (aside). Zounds, Neptune, you've just made a great mistake—
Lost such a charming opportunity!
Theu. Three years I've been in Egypt: here I am,
Come home at last!—How glad they'll be to see me!
Tran. (aside). There's only one we had been more glad to see—
The man who brought us word that you were drowned.