Page:Plautus and Terence.djvu/64

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—the party there are not keeping so quiet as they ought.

Tran. (pretending to he frightened, and catching his
master by the arm.)
Hush-sh! (Listening.)
Theu. (trembling). Eh! what was it?
Tran. (looking aghast at Theu.) Was it him, d'ye think?
(Listening at the key-hole) I heard a knocking.
Theu. Eh! my blood runs cold!
Are the dead men coming from Acheron to fetch me?
Tran. (aside). Those fools will spoil it all, if they're not quiet.
Theu. What are you saying to yourself, sir—eh?
Tran. Go from the door, sir, pray—run, do, I beg you!
Theu. (looking round in terror). Where shall I run to?
why don't you run yourself?
Tran. (solemnly). Well—I've no fear—I keep an honest conscience.
Callidamates (inside). Hallo there, Tranio! (Theuropides runs off.)
Tran. (going close to the door, and whispering). Don't
call me, you fool!
(Aloud, as to the ghost.) Don't threaten me—it wasn't I kicked
the door.
Theu. (putting his head round the corner). O dear!
what is it? why do you shake so, Tranio?
Tran. (looking round). Was it you called me?—Well,
so help us heaven,
I thought it was the dead man scolding me
For making all that rapping at his door.
But why do you stand there? why don't you do
What I just told you?

Theu. (clasping his hands). O dear! what was that?