Page:Poems upon Several Occasions.djvu/58

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Poems upon several Occasions.

From Jove in Feathers, harmless to the Sight,
Læda, without a Blush, accepts Delight.
Myra, as chaste as Læda, and more fair,
Forgive an anxious Lover's jealous Care,
And O take heed, for if such Tales were true,
The Gods may practise these Designs on you;
Their Heav'n and all their Brightness they will quit
For any Form, that may to you admit.
See, how the wanton Bird, at ev'ry Glance,
Spreads his gay plumes, and feels an am'rous Trance;
Prest by that Hand, he melts at ev'ry Touch;
Prest by that Hand, who wou'd not melt as much?
The Queen of Beauty shall forsake the Dove,
Henceforth the Parrot be the Bird of Love.


SINCE Truth and Constancy are vain,
Since neither Love; nor Sense of Pain,
Nor Force of Reason, can persuade,
Then let Example be obey'd.

In Courts and Cities, cou'd you see
How well the wanton Fools agree,
Were all the Curtains drawn, you'd find
Scarce one, perhaps, but who is kind.
