Page:Poetical Remains.pdf/166

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Be said with safety. Hast thou looked within
Those stately palaces? Were they but peopled
With the high race of warlike nobles, once
Their princely lords, think'st thou, good friend, that now
They would be glittering with this hollow pomp,
To greet a conqueror's entrance?

3d Cit.Thou say'st well.
None but a land forsaken of its chiefs
Had been so lost and won.

4th Cit.The lot is cast;
We have but to yield. Hush! for some strangers come;
Now friends beware.

1st Cit.Did the King pass this way
At morning, with his train?

2d Cit.Aye, saw you not
The long and rich procession?

[Sebast. enters with Gonzal. and Zamor.

Sebast. to Gonzal.This should be
The night of some high festival. E'en thus