Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 34.djvu/894

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Monuments, Important Archæological. Pop. Misc. 136
Moon-Myths, South Slavic. F. S. Krauss 615
Morality, The, of the Future. Editor's Table 124
Morgan, Appleton. The Political Control of Railways 455
Morgan, T. H. The Dance of the Lady Crab 482
Mound, Contents of a North Carolina. Pop. Misc. 135
Müller, Prof. F. Max. Comments on "The Sacrifice of Education" 535
Museums, Local, Hints about. Pop. Misc. 280

Nansen's, Dr., Greenland Expedition. Pop. Misc. 717
Nascent Species of Plants. Pop. Misc. 575
National Morality, A Test of. Editor's Table 267
Natural Gas, Curiosities of. Prof. J. F. James 821
Natural Purification of Polluted Streams. Pop. Misc. 859
Natural Science in Elementary Schools. J. M. Ames 662
""Editorial Note 700
"Next to Nothing," The Value of the. Editor's Table 125
Notes 142
Notes 286
Notes 431
Notes 575
Notes 718
Notes 863
Cakes, R. A. Belief about the Soul 202

Oil-Field, The Colorado. Pop. Misc. 142
Oswald, Felix L., M.D. Four-Handed Sinners 108

Paleolithic Man in America. W J McGee 20
Pane of Glass, A. Prof. C. H. Henderson 598
Papuan, a New Britain, The History of. Pop. Misc. 140
Perforated Stones, Californian. Franklin Cogswell. Cor. 123
Personifications of the Sun, Modern Greek. Pop. Misc. 571
Phonetic Spelling, Educational Value of. Pop. Misc. 285
Photography, Uses of, in Science. Pop. Misc. 136
Physical Training of Young Children, M. F. Lagrange 449
Physics, The Teaching of, in Schools. Pop. Misc. 134
Piles, Protection of, against the Teredo. Pop. Misc. 710
Pine-Tree Lizard, The. C. C. Abbott 162
Plants, Food and Economical, of Abyssinia, Pop. Misc. 861
Plants in Witchcraft. T. F. T. Dyer 826
Plants, Nascent Species of. Pop. Misc. 575
Plesiosaurus, Development of the. Pop. Misc. 279
Plumbing, Sanitary. Pop. Misc. 136
Popular Miscellany 133
Popular Miscellany 278
Popular Miscellany 426
Popular Miscellany 569
Popular Miscellany 709
Popular Miscellany 859
Practical Science, The March of. Editor's Table 416
Proctor, Richard A., Death of. Pop. Misc. 133
Professional Men, Longevity of. Pop. Misc. 717
Prolongation, The, of Human Life. C. M. Hammond 92
Protection of Wood against Fire. Pop. Misc. 282
Protection, The Effects of. C. S. Ashley 1
Psychology, The, of Deception. Prof. J. Jastrow 145
Psychology, The, of Spiritualism, Joseph Jastrow 721

Railways, The Political Control of, Appleton Morgan 455
Rat, The Work of the Burrowing, C, C. Byrne, M.D. Cor. 414