Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/196

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��Popular Science Monthly

��can turn completely around in a little more than their own length, and hence can steer a violent zig-zag course. A submarine attempting to torpedo such a boat, traveling thirty miles an hour with so little hull to shoot at, would be attempting almost the impossible.

In realizing the tremendous advance of the motor-boat it must be remembered that these vessels can travel at high speeds, in almost any seaway, carrying eight men for long distances, and that they are armed in addition. A few years ago motor-boats did not travel so fast with one man, for a mile only, even on quiet, inland waters. And yet they are small enough to be placed on the deck of a warship. This is evidenced by the fact that each is equipped with cleats, bolted to the keel, by which it can be lifted from the water. This is the reason England has placed a very large order for duplicates of this American design.


��Hitching the Mower to the Farm Automobile

CALIFORNIA ranchman (James M. Berry, Sacramento) found that pea vines came up so thickly in a grain field that it was impossible to cut the grain. He decided therefore to cut it for hay. Because of the shortage of horses he tried hitching the mower behind the ranch automobile. The plan worked so successfully that about twenty acres were cut each day, the car drawing the mower at such speed that the mower readily cleared itself. When horses were

���used, the blade frequently clogged itself. The hay was raked by the same method. In the fall the automobile was used to run a stacker. The lift rope of the stacker was attached to the front axle of the car and when the operator desired to raise the load of hay he would back the automobile until the stacker had cleared itself. Then it would be lowered by reversing the machine, let- ting it down gently, whereas horses would jerk the stacker and let it down abruptly, with a bump.

The Reinforced Concrete Principle Ap- plied to Automobile Tires ANEW tire has been patented which combines elasticity with great dura- bility. The principle is similar to that employed in reinforced concrete; a

���The farm auloiuuljilL luuk Uil ijlacc of horses and did the big job better and in less time

��A portion of the tire with the "shoe" cut away, showing the reed woven into a networkof strands

woven fabric is embedded in a body of elastic composition.

Vegetable reed, preferably "Spanish cane," is woven into a network of cir- cular and longitudinal strands. There may be one or several tube-like arrange- ments, or a sjiiral eflect may be used. The spans between the fibers are filled with a substance which can be i)oured in when iiot and allowed to solidify. This composition is highly elastic and yet is strong enough to resist road bruises.

Its main advantage over the solid rubber tire is its elasticity and durability. No road is too rough for it and it will bear up under the hardest service. The "S()aTiisli caiu'" adds greatly to its wear- ing (|ualilics in .dl sorts of weather.

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