Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/238

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^*^"^' Vig-ilance on the Part of One Hundred Food Inspectors

���Photos Amer. Press Assoc.

lLnlfT^^^\^'^'^ ^'^ f^"'- "Millions against food contamination the Department pt Health employs a corps of one hundred inspectors. The photograph above shows an inspector condemning a quantity of pineapples after pouring crude carbolic acid over them to prevent them from being used

��Above: Smelling separate pails of yolks and whites of eggs to detect mustiness and sourness. The eggs are later mixed and frozen in thirty-pound tins for use of bakers and confectioners

At left: Carcass of forehalf of beef condemned by a veterinary as tubercular. An inspector is spoiling it with carbolic acid, af- ter which it will be destroyed

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