Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/248

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��Popular Science Monthly

���Holes drilled in cover of pump and filled with .. tar, black dirt.etc

��What was expected to happen

��Holes were drilled in the cylinder-heads of pumps, filled with dirt and then painted over, with the anticipated hope of giving someone an unexpected bath had the pumps been started before the holes were discovered

���Small bolts holding together the lagging of steam connec- tions were sawed half through and then replaced. Had the steam chests been under pressure the bolts would have broken and an explosion would have taken place

��way through

��fire-room came next, Throttle hand every nook receiving the' wheel closest scrutiny. Then came a trip through the furnaces, the combus- tion chambers beyond, the grimy -uptakes and the long and tortuous connections of the great smokestacks and up their sooty ladders to what should have been the sky, but what proved to be heavy wooden covers fastened across the stacks, all carefully concealed from view.

This task done, the engine room was reinspected, to locate the pipes and valves Next in turn were the enormous bunkers, tanks, water-tight doors and bulkheads, reaching from one end of the ship to the other, from the highest deck down to the bottom - most chamber of the hold. What would have hap- pened had the flashlight gone out ? Would the man have fouad his way out again ?

���Valve stem

���\Main stem pipe from boiler

���Section of flange Other flange

drilled around and drilled ready

broken out with to break out sledge hammer.

Broken flanges on main steam elbows. The sec- -tions were first drilled around and then broken out with sledge hammers

At left: The main throttle valves had been removed and destroyed, leaving only theempty valve bodies

��Tar, Cord

���Tin can

��Coal dust Powder

Twenty-four bombs were found in the coal bunkers. Is it any wonder the coal was screened four times? The bombs were simply tin-boxes wrapped with twine. After they were dipped in tar and rolled in coal dust they were placed with the coal. Each bomb was found to contain a high explosive

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