Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/267

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Popular Science Monthly


��the lungs to utmost capacity with air.

The moment a cramp is felt, the swim- mer should turn on his back and begin to gulp the air, making no effort to keep himself from sinking. As he sinks he slowly exhales under water, through the mouth, with the lips puck- ered as for whistling. If it is a stomach cramp the knees will be drawn up against the abdomen, but the swimmer should force them out, push- ing on them with both hands and us- i n g all his

strength until they are fully extended. This will no doubt cause great pain for a few seconds, but as soon as the legs are straightened out the cramp will vanish, and the body, buoyed up by the air in the lungs, will shoot up to the surface. There, still inhaling, in great gulps and ex- haling through puckered lips, the swimmer may float until he re gains his strength or is picked up.

In case of cramp in the leg or arm the same system of breathing is followed and the affected part is straight- ened out by sheer strength.

���When the cramp is in the stomach, turn on your back, gulp the air to fill the lungs and push the knees down

��pairs, the wheels of each set being coupled together and driven by two giant steam cylinders. Under full steam, the locomo- tive can exert an eighty-three ton pull on the cars behind it — which means that it can easily haul a freight train two miles long and twenty- three thousand tons in weight over an ordi- narily good road-bed at an average rate of about fourteen miles an hour and possibly more . B ad roads will re- tard it only slightly.

��The Very Biggest Loco motive in the World

THE greatest steam loco- motive in the world has been put into service by the Baldwin Locomotive Works. It is so gigantic that its boiler had to be made flexible at three different joints so that the loco- motive could turn around a curve! It is over one hundred feet long and weighs some four hundred and twenty tons. Twenty-four driving wheels, each standing as high as an average-size man, afford it traction. The driving wheels are distributed along the length of the locomotive in sets of four

���The flashlight bulb is clipped to the end of the handle of the safety- razor and throws the rays across its path

��Shave Under a Flashlight Attached Directly to Your Razor

FIRST AID" in affording yourself a quick shave is given by a new razor attachment patented by Katherine E. Allport of Chicago. It is a com- bination of a flashlight and a razor which will illuminate a man's face far better than the regular wall light.

A wall light which is di- rected upon one half of the face cannot intensely il- luminate the other. But by having the light attached directly to the razor, the light follows the blade and the strong rays are thrown just where they are needed. The chance of cutting yourself is thereby reduced considerably, and a perfectly clean shave is assured.

The small flashlight bulb is clipped with its socket on to the handle end of the razor. The conducting wires from the sock- et lead to small dry cells which occupy the bottom half of the razor box especially built for this attachment. From one to three dry cells can be employed, depending upon how much light you con- sider necessary for the operation.

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