Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/491

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Military Marching for Beginners

The fundamentals of military marching illustrated to show the correct positions of a soldier in line

By Albert B. Wegner

��JN these stirring times it is important that boys of all ages and men of military age should at least know some of the funda- mentals of military tactics. There is nothing more fundamental than marching. Every group of boys or men who wish to march should send for the U. S. Infantry Regulations, price 35c, to the Superin- tendent of Documents, Government Print- ing Office, Washington, D. C. Unfortu- nately, this excellent guide is not illustrated and its detailed descriptions are hard for the novice to understand. Then, too, al- though the matter is ar- ranged logically it is not in the best order for teaching a beginner. The writer at- tempts here to describe and illustrate these fundamentals in the simplest and most progressive manner.

Forming a Line

The first thing to do with a group of marchers is to get them formed in a line. The instructor, or officer, calls out, "Fall in." At this, the men line-up in two lines, called "ranks," one rank 40 in. back of the other and with the tallest at the right of the lines. (The tallest man in the front line; the next is directly back of him; the third tallest takes his place at the left of the tallest in the front rank; number four is back of number three, etc.)

Those at the extreme right of the lines are the "guides." At the instructor's call "Fall in" the guides take their places facing the instructor. They stand erect, with left hand on the hip, fingers pointed down- ward, eyes straight to the front.

The next in line take their places at the left of the guides so that their right arms just touch the left elbows of the guides. With left hand on hip and heads turned to right (called "eyes right") they aline with the guides.

All of the others "fall in" in the same

��manner. As soon as each one feels the one at his left touch his elbow he himself drops his elbow and turns his head to the front.

The position that each now has is called "Attention" in which he stands erect, heels together, shoulders back and down, feet at 45 deg. angle.

The instructor now calls, "Right dress." At this all place the left hand on the hip and turn eyes to right, holding that position until the instructor goes to the right of the lines to see if they are straight. If anyone is out of alinement he calls to

him "Mr. . forward"

or "backward" as the case may require. If several are out of alinement the instructor calls attention to that part of the line as "backward at the center," or "forward at the left." After the instructor is sat- isfied that the lines are straight he commands "Front," at which all face to front, dropping their hands into position of "Attention."

���The positions of "Atten- tion" and "Eyes Right" in forming a Company line

��Simple Movements While Standing in Line

The next things to learn are a few simple movements while in line. Nearly all commands are given in two parts. The first is the "prepar- atory command," that tells the soldier what to do. The second is the "command of execution," when he must begin the movement. There is always a pronounced pause between these commands so as to give all time to understand and prepare for the movement.

"Parade — Rest." At the command "Rest" step backward 6 in. with the right foot, the body weight on the right leg, the left knee slightly bent. At the same time place the thumb of the left hand between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, all fingers extended downward.

"Company — Attention." At the com-


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