Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/641

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Popular Science Monthly


��as the angle-block B, the drawer face and handle are fastened. A pivot wheel C is nailed to the center of the drawer bottom. This wheel fits into a slot in the carrier- shelf D. The follower-block E, made of a wood base to which a spring and wire brace are fastened, slips under the side pieces of the drawer. Pushing it against the material filed causes it to grip fast. It is released by a slight vertical pressure. The most important part of this file is the angle-block. Usually the first tabs of an index are not visible, being wholly or

��If, instead of cards, manuscripts, themes or large size envelopes are to be filed, the drawer shown in / will prove a better arrangement. Cardboard shelves are slipped into the kerf grooves and form pockets for filing. — Edward R. Smith.

��Three Methods for Finding a Chosen Card

FOR this trick the chosen card must be worked to the top of the pack. If it is there already, well and good; but if not, it

���Details of the file parts which are made up to slide in an opening in a desk after the manner of a drawer, the front and follower block holding the cards in a tilted position

��partly concealed by the face of the drawer. The automatically operated block B of this file is cut to a bevel, the lower surface of which is parallel with the follower-block F. Suppose that the cards are arranged as shown in illustration G. With the pushing of the drawer into its casing, as in H, the momentum of the cards tilts them back. When the drawer is pulled out the bevel prevents the cards from being thrown forward. In steel filing equipment this space between cards and drawer-head is an added protection in case of fire.

��must be brought there by some means or other. This is generally an easy matter, even without sleight of hand, and can usually be effected under the pretense of looking through the pack. When the card is once at the top a false shuffle may be given, to throw the onlookers off the track. Then push the top card out sideways beyond the rest of the cards. Let the pack fall on the table. The resistance of the air will cause the top card to turn over and appear face upwards, all the other cards remaining face downwards.

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