Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/908

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Popular Science Monthly

��A Chimney With Windows— But They Are Not Real

A CHIMNEY on the outside of a house is, in popular opinion, unattractive in spite of the fact that it is safer than an enclosed chimney. The builder of the house in the photo- graph worked out a novel effect by cutting windows through the brick to re- lieve the plain surface. Shutters were also provid- ed so that the chimney windows might be in per- fect harmony with those of the house proper. The windows are mere im- itations, the flue being built up on the inside to insure a perfect draft. However, arrangements have been made so that it is easy to get to the inside of the chimney through the window spaces, when re- pairs are necessary.

���To relieve the bareness of the brick wall of the chimney the builder provided dummy windows

��justed to individual requirements and which will support the weight of the book in such a manner that the hands are free. A lady who is anxious to knit for the soldiers may read and knit at the same time if her book is sup- ported on a rest.

The device is construc- ted of two parallel angle bars which are connec- ted with a sheet metal book-supporting tray. The tray will fold against the bars so that the book rest can be stowed away in a very small space when not in use. The book support may be used on the table in such a way that a paper or book may be propped up against it. A great convenience for the early morning commuter who likes to devour his news with his breakfast! The device might also prove exceptionally useful to the musical director.

��Hang That Book from Your Shoul- ders and Read in Comfort

��A Telltale Echo— It Repeated Secrets of the Confessional

��JOSEPH J. SLEEPER, of Philadelphia, TN Shipley had to consult a number of books of A there was reference one day, and before he got through he was very tired. He then experimented with a shingle which he sus- pended about his neck by strings attached to the four corners. He found that he could rest his book on this and relieve himself from the weight, from the fatigue caused by stooping and from the eyestrain caused by reading a page not in proper focus. He could also jot down notes of reference without bend- ing over or otherwise in- conveniencing himself. Since that early ex- periment the inventor has perfected a book A new book or music rest which

rest which can be ad- may be suspended from the neck

���Church, Sussex, England, formerly an echo which re- peated sounds twenty- one times. The most remarkable of all mul- tiple echoes was that of the Simonetta Palace, near Milan, which re- peated the sound of a pistol shot fifty or sixty times. In the cathe- dral of Girgenti, Sicily, it is possible to hear, on the steps of the high altar, remarks in an undertone made at a place near the main entrance, a hundred feet distant. A con- fessional was once indiscreetly placed at this spot, and the dis- coverer of the echo is said to have amused himself by listening to the confessions of many fair penitents.

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