Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/49

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Popular Science Monthly

��not slide while the vehicle is in motion. Its center of gravity is well forward of the Ford rear axle in order that its weight may be partly distributed over the front wheels.

To load the piano onto the platform easily, two stout plank skids are provided. These have angle-iron hooks on their forward ends, which slip into staples bolted to the rear of the platform, the piano has been loaded, the skids are removed from the staples and pushed forward un- der the platform, so that their over- -< hanging ends do not present a men- ace to pedestrians.

In this way the piano is as safely moved as in a fully equipped van.



��This electric attachment makes one blanket sufficient for the coldest night

��Lo! The Electric Blanket. It Always Keeps You Just Warm Enough

SLEEPING out-of-doors has been robbed of its most unpleasant feature - the chill. No longer is it neces- sary to shiver with cold, or to pile un- comfortably heavy bedclothes over yourself.

An electrician has devised a light blanket which is electrically heated. The blanket is equipped with three heats, so that you can have it mildly warm, warm, or al- most hot, with the expenditure of but a small amount of current.


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��No Passing Traffic Can Interfere With This Policeman's View

AP E R M A- NENT nest of wood and iron construction, standingmorethan fifteen feet high, at the intersection of six streets in the busiest part of De- troit; will be Used by a policeman, to direct traffic going in twelve direc- tions. In this nest the officer is high enough to see sev- eral squares each way, which enables him to avoid con- fusion and acci- dents! The station, w^hich is glass en- closed and heated, has a signal equip- ment, so that it can easily commu- nicate with nearby busy traffic posts.

���An elevated policeman's nest, with the direction indicators in clear view of all

��What Causes the Singing of Telegraph Wires?

THE singing of telegraph wires is sometimes regarded as a weather prognos- tic, though opin- ions differ as to the kind of weather it foretells. , There has been much dis- cussion as to the cause of this sound. Probably it is sim- ply the Aeolian harp effect, and its occurrence de- pends chiefly upon the direction of the wind in rela- tion to the direc- tion in which the wires run. Varia- tions in thepitch of the sound depend upon changes in the tension of the wires with varying temperature.

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