Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/720

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��Popular Science Monihly

���biooci.ij a hawK trom a motorcycle while riding at forty-live miles an hour. A nigniy successful method of killing birds, employed by an enterprising Los Angeles taxidermist

��Shooting Hawks from a Fast Motor- cycle While Traveling at Speed

EVERETT COLBURN, a Los An- geles taxidermist, has evolved a new method of hunting hawks and other birds of prey which is spectacular and hazard- ous, but nevertheless efficient.

Mr. Colburn, who is also a motor- cyclist, noticed that often when he was touring over the country highways, hawks would frequently sit on telegraph or fence posts at the side of the road and allow him to pass on his machine. They had come to regard the machine as a harm- less thing. So, by way of experiment, he constructed a bracket on the top of the gasoline tank of his machine for carrying a shotgun. Then he set out over the highways to see what results could be obtained.

The first bird sighted was a fine red-tailed hawk that sat on a fence post. As the bird flew from the [jost, Colburn, speeding at forty- fivf miles per hour, grabbed his gun and killed the hawk.

���This casement window is weather-tight and is easy to open and close. It does not rattle

��The Windows Fold Back Out of the Way and Let in the Au-

ANEW type of casement window, shown on the house in the accom- panying illustration, overcomes several of the ills that casements are heir to.. While the windows are held rigidly at both the top and the bottom, they may be easily moved from side to side. When shut they make a tight, weather-proof joint. Thus there is an unobstructed opening when the windows are opened and a real window when they are closed. Almost any style of finish that is pos- sible with other win- dows may be used, including the divi- sion of the sash into small panes or fitting with art glass. Slid- ing screens placed on the inside next to the screens are used; the shades and dra- peries are placed in- side the screens. This allows the ad- jiistment of the shades without open- ing the screens, and also prevents the shades and draperies from being blown outside when the window is open.

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