Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/795

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Popular Science MoniJilij


��Here Is a Combination Fence Lawn Sprinkler


��IRON pipe ^i in. in diameter is exten- sively used for protecting the small grass spots between the sidewalk and the street curb, also between the sidewalk and the building, pro- viding the space is not large. These plots are very diffi- cult to keep water- ed in dry seasons. One resident owner made a combina- tion fence, using the pipe for the sprinkling ap- paratus as well as for the guard. Small holes were drilled in a row on the inside surface of the pipe and the whole line was connected w'ith the water supply. In building such a protection be sure to have all joints watertight and the tees plugged that are used to con- nect the iron sup- ports for the posts. — Thomas W. Benson.

���The pipe guarding the grass plot is used for sprinkling the ground in a dry season

��Changing Ink Into Water. This Is Black Magic

THE performer introduces to the audi- ence a glass or bowl of ink which is covered over for an instant by a lady's handkerchief, during which time it be- comes changed to clear water. This trick can be performed with any sized glass from a miniature tumbler up to a large fish globe. The fish globe will be described here, as it differs but little from the small- er sized glasses.

There is made to fit inside of the globe a lining of alpaca, or black silk without any bottom, and around the top of which runs a wire over which the alpaca is turned to prevent it from falling down. The lining is made to fit the glass as closely as possible. When the water is poured in and presses the cloth out

��against the glass, the globe appears to be full of ink.

This is e.xhibited to the audience, and to prove the genuineness of the fluid, the performer takes a ladle and dipping it into the bowl, pours out some of the ink into a plate, which is sent around. The ladle is made with a hollow handle which has a small hole at the bottom, leading into the bowl of the ladle. Another small puncture is made within 1 in. of the top of the handle. Before commenc- ing the trick, ink is poured into the ladle bowl, which, when the ladle is tilted, runs up in- to the handle, but is prevented from flowing back again by a finger or thumb placed over and covering the top hole. The ladle can, there- fore, be held in any position with- out fear of the hidden liquid coming out. When it is dipped in the globe it is not allowed to enter the w^ater, but is only lowered to the surface, the finger at the same time being removed from the hole in the handle, allow- ing the ink to flow down and into the bowl of the ladle, from which it is then poured into a plate and handed out for examina- tion. The former next borrows a large hand- kerchief wdth which to cover the bowl and touching the glass with his wand com- mands the ink to vanish. When the cov- ering is lifted the bowl will be found full of clear water, with gold fish swimming in it. In snatching off the handkerchief the wire ring is grasped and whipped off under cover and dropped into an open drawer at the rear of the table. This trick is extremely effective when adroitly done, as the transition seems so obvious because of the sample handed around in the ladle. The magician should not forget to "patter" while doing the trick.

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