Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/824

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�Cannon May Kill at Ranges of Five and Ten Miles; Machine Guns May Fire Six Hundred Shots in One

���Jiu-jitsu wrest- ling methods are introduced in warding off a bayonet attack. Whiletheseboys are liere figlit- ing as friends, there is a back- ground picture in their minds which adds zest and "pep" to their struggle

��Wringing His Neck

Trying to disarm and disable his opponent by throwing. him .with a neck hold. What these lads must -face "over there" lends realism to their work

The One-Step

A good grip on a man's toe is by no means a hold to be "sneezed" at. These two troopers are doing strenuous work — offensive as well as defensive

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No, they are not training to become baseball pitchers! Tlicy are trying to toss cement balls into an enemy" trench indicated by chalk lines. VVlir-n they get across the ocean they will use deadlier missiles cilculated to put a permanent quietus on some of their adversaries. This squad is the "kindergarten" class in bomb-throwing


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