Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/905

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New Ideas in Automobiling and Trucking

���Undaunted Even by Lengtli This automobile trailer makes it an easy matter to transport telegraph and telephone poles over streets and country roads


���From carbureter

Good for Starting

A master primer in which an electric coil is used to bring gaso- line to the proper tem- perature for vaporizing

��Motors for Chickens

Below is shown how Kentucky farmers haul live chickens to the market on motor trucks

��Saving Your Arm

Muscles A swinging arrow arm used on wind-shield to designate the course to be taken is shown at the right. Operated bydriver from the steering-wheel

��Many-Use Shield

The small car wind- shield shown below can be made ventilating, slanting or rain vision

����Motor- Com fort

A leather case with a transparent front holds the road guide book and keeps the air from turning leaves


��Set screw

���For Fords

An auxiliary axle attach- ment for a car so that it can be towed home on its own wheels i n case of a breakdown

��Rear axle bearing


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