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greater happiness couldst thou desire ? If on seeing one of God's angels, thy joy was so great, what ought now thy joy to be when thou hast been found worthy to behold the Lord of Angels ? If, when it was said to thee : " Joseph, thy son, is living, and he is ruler in all the land of Egypt" thy spirit revived, how much greater now must be thy joy at Christ's rising from the grave, never any more to die, but to reign for ever over all who dwell in Heaven and in earth?

O all ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets, O ye kings and rulers of the people, O young men and old, O virgins and faithful widows, O Priests and Levites, O Doctors and Scribes, O ye spirits and souls of the just, O ye holy and humble men of heart, rejoice ye all this day and be glad in Jesus Christ our Lord, Who has become our Salvation ! Praise Him and magnify Him for ever ; for He has Himself come to visit you, and to bring joy to the hearts of all who were waiting for the redemption of His people Israel !

And now, O most loving Lord Jesus Christ, true Refuge of my soul, in Whom now is, and through- out this uncertain life from youth to old age has been, all my trust, forsake me not, I pray Thee, poor and feeble as I am, in the trials and temptations which in so many ways beset me ! Strengthen me, O my God, in every distress of my heart, through the merits of Thy most Holy Passion, and through the cruel sorrows and the abundant tears which were shed by Thy most blessed Mother, in her bitter grief as she stood beneath Thy Cross, and beheld Thy Wounds! Make me glad also, I pray Thee, on account of the merits of all Thy Saints who are so dear to Thee, Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, and all the other