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My wife has abundance of gold,
or the d---l should have had her for me.

The very first visit I paid,
she gave me a delicate ring,
So lovingly as we did agree
oh ! then she began for to sing:
She pray'd for my prosp'rous health,
So lovingly we did agree.
At the first she show'd me her wealth,
or the d—l should have had her for me.

She promis'd to make me the lord,
of every penny she had,
So lovingly as we did accord,
all people think me mad;
But the end of my fingers did itch,
to handle the gold I did see
I knew very well she was rich,
or the d—l should have had her for me.

Her stumps they are rotten and black,
for teeth she has none in her head,
And with a great hump on her back
She waddled away to be wed.
I laught at the comical sight
to think that she wedded must be,
For if that she had not been so rich
the d—l should have had her for me.

I kept both my hawks and my hounds,
and often a hunting I go,
Sometimes up on other folks grounds,
I catch a young cunny or so.
Of which l‘m wondrous proud,
my wife to the same did agree,