Page:Ralph on the Railroad.djvu/446

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significantly. "Well, I must be going. So long. Oh, say—by the way, Fairbanks."

It was evident to Ralph that Slavin was now about to reveal the real motive of his midnight call.

"I wanted to ask you," proceeded Slavin, rather lamely—"has anyone been troubling you lately?"

"Why, no," answered Ralph in quick surprise at the pointed inquiry—"but who, for instance?"

"Mort Bemis, for one. And do you know the fellow he went off with?"

"You mean Ike Slump?"

"That's his name. Look out for him—for both of them. I'll do the rest," rather emphatically observed Slavin, doubling up his fist till it resembled the hammering end of a big sledge.

"It seems strange, your asking me about them," remarked Ralph. "I would like very much to know where they are at present."

"You would? I can tell you—they are right here in Stanley Junction. I'm laying for them. That's why I'm up so late. I know they have it in for you."


"Oh, on general principles of meanness. That's why I came to warn you. I think," continued Slavin with a dangerous gleam in his eye,