Page:Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842, and 1843 - Volume 2.djvu/296

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Excursion to Amalfi.

July 10th.

I have always had a great desire to penetrate into the south of Italy, which I believe to be the most beautiful country in the world; joining the rich aspect of culture to the graces of nature,

"In all her wildness, all her majesty,
As in that elder time, ere man was made."[1]

If I were a man, I know of no enterprise that would please my imagination more than seeking, in this district, for the traces of lost wealth, science, and civilisation. These blessings flourished in this neighbourhood at two distinct periods, apparently widely separated from each other; yet, if examined, we might find that the link had never been broken. Magna Grecia was the mother of many philosophers, and the richest portion of ancient Italy; and there is nothing violent in the supposition, that Amalfi, hemmed in by mountains, and Salerno, almost

  1. Rogers's Italy.