Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/471

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nl. AF HOLTEDAML [SEC. ARCT. EXP. FRAM Pre-Cambrian. Pre-Cambrian rocks were studied by Schei in the following regions: I Foulke Fjord region in I'rudhoe Land, Greenland; II In the opposite district in Fllesmere Land viz. on the coast of Buchanan Bay and adjacent regions (near the winter quarters of the n Fram" 1S9S 99). Ill At the eastern part of Jones Sound, especially at and near Mavnefjord, the winter |narl>rs of ISW 11100. The rock specimens brought home by Schei have been microscopically investigated by C. BUGGE, a paper on which, n Petrographische Resultate der 2ten Fram-Expedition", published 1910, is No. 22 of this report. BUGGE has besides studying the specimens from SCHEI'S diaries obtained all the information available on the subject. I. From the Foulke Fjord district (Reindeer Point) BUGGE has described a hypersthene-quartz-diorite; also a rock that conies nearer to a banatite; and as the youngest rock in this place, pink-coloured aplitic veins. Finally from Klah a gahhro. Schei has in his diaries also mentioned gneiss and mica schists from the Foulke Fjord region, schists that seem to be older than the igneous rocks mentioned. II. South of Buchanan Bay. also, are found hypersthene-quartz-diorite, together with somewhat younger veins of granite. The difference in age, however, is slight. The granite wa.- probably intruded before the diorite was entirely cooled off. AUo a vein of kersantite is seen, at Kjolhaugen in Pirn Island. From other places near the n Fram'>" winter quarters are described hroncite- quartz-diorite, quartz-diorite, norite. In the Twin glacier valley district the igneous rocks have certainly found their way through older gneissic material, as they are found to contain large pieces of gneiss. At Cape < lamperdown, at the SF corner of Bache Peninsula, occurs a hypersthene- quartz-potash-syenite. A typical feature in the igneous rocks of the Foulke Fjord and the Buchanan Bay region, is their nearly unpressed condition. III. At Ilavnefjord and on the coast to the east, similar rocks are found. Bn;<;i-: mentions granitic as well as more basic rocks, broncite- adamellite. The lii -[-mentioned rocks are probably the younger. Of diorites scarcely any material was brought from here. The rocks from this southern di.-lrn'l are distinctly more pressed, sometimes of a somewhat gnei-like .structure.