Page:Return to Nature!.djvu/14

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Dis-ease? Would you, incidentally, halve the cost of living, and lift housewifery from the drudging routine of three-meals-a-day-and-a-lunch to the imperial freedom of meal-time abolished?

Would you evolve from a wretched, dyspeptic, fearful pessimist into a cheery, strong, courageous optimist?

Would you thrill in tune with every bird and flower and rill in "God's great out-of-doors," finding your own divinity reflected in every living thing?

Would you become the supreme embodiment of Health, Beauty, Grace, Power, Truth, Wisdom, Love?

Then return to Nature—that's all. For Nature is the true interpreter of the Infinite: no other voice whispers truths so potent to awaken, arouse and inspire Humanity.

But one word more as regards my functions as Editor of the English Edition. Animated by a deep spirit of veneration and respect for the humanitarian author, Adolf Just, I have made but very few alterations and corrections. I have ventured to amend the translation in so far only as it appeared to me to be indispensable for the better understanding of the English and American public.

In conclusion I give expression to the sincere wish that every reader of this book may be as much benefited by "Returning to Nature" as I have been.

Naturopathic Physician,

American "Jungborn," Butler, N. J., U. S. A.,
July 4th, 1903.