Page:Revelations of St. Bridget, on the life and passion of Our Lord, and the life of His Blessed Mother (IA RevelationsOfStBridget).pdf/86

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soul exulting with ineffable joy, he came forth, my virginity untouched. And when I beheld him and considered his beauty, my soul in joy distilled, as it were, dew, knowing myself unworthy of such a Son. But when I considered the places of the nails in his hands and feet, which according to the prophets, I heard were to be crucified, then my eyes filled with tears and my heart was breaking with sadness. And when my Son gazed into my streaming eyes, he was sorrowful unto death. But when I considered the power of his deity, I was again consoled, knowing that he so willed it, and that so it was expedient, and I conformed my will to his will, and thus my joy was tempered by pain.



When the angel announced to me that I should bear a Son, as soon as I consented, I felt something amazing and inexplicable in me, so that greatly wondering, I at once went up to my cousin Elizabeth to console her in