Page:Richard Nixon's presidential daily calendar - 1969.djvu/144

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February 23, 1969

From the South Grounds of the White House to Andrews Air Force Base.


The President
The First Lady
Patricia Nixon
William P. Rogers, Sec. of State
Henry A. Kissinger, Asst. for NSA
John D. Ehrlichman, Counsel
Rose Mary Woods, Personal Sec.
Ronald L. Ziegler, Spec. Asst.
Walter R. Tkach, Col., Physician
Vernon Walters, Maj. Gen., Dept. of Defense, Attache, Paris
James D. Hughes, Col., Mil. Aide
John V. Brennan, Maj., Asst. Mil. Aide
Robert Taylor, Secret Service
William Duncan, Secret Service
Joseph McNulty, Security Agent for the Sec. of State
Zosimo Monzon, Corpsman