Page:Richard Nixon's presidential daily calendar - 1969.djvu/1764

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Attendees at the meeting of the Council for Rural Affairs, November 13, 1969.

Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President

Robert H. Finch, Secretary of HEW

Clifford M. Hardin, Secretary of Agriculture

Maurice H. Stans, Secretary of Commerce

George P. Shultz, Secretary of Labor

George W. Romney, Secretary of HUD

Walter J. Hickel, Secretary of the Interior

Donald Rumsfeld, Director of OEO

Robert P. Mao, Director of BOB

Paul W. McCracken, Chairman of CEA

John D. Ehrlichman, Assistant

H. R. Haldeman, Assistant

Herbert G. Klein, Director of Communications

D. Patrick Moynihan, Counsellor

John C. Whitaker, Secretary of the Cabinet

Lee W. Huebner, Staff Assistant

Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary

In addition to the above individuals, the following were present for the signing ceremony of Executive Order 11493.

Carl Curtis, Senator

Gordon Allott, Senator

Roman Hruska, Senator

Karl Mundt, Senator

James Pearson, Senator

Milton Young, Senator

Leslie G. Arends, Congressman

Odin Langen, Congressman

Rogers C. B. Morton, Congressman

Henry Schadeberg, Congressman

William E. Calbraith, Deputy Under Secretary of Agriculture

E. Frederick Behrens, Executive Assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture

Thomas K. Cowden, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture

Donald Paarlberg, Director of Agricultural Economics

Samuel C. Jackson, Assistant Secretary of HUD

John Quarles, Assistant to the Under Secretary of the Interior

John Veneman, Under Secretary of HEW

Al Edwards, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Agriculture

Steven Schenes

James Hawkins