Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/97

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Canal is two miles and three quarters, on a level. The total length of the navigation is thirty-nine miles, with a fall of 174¾ feet, by twenty-seven locks.

The act for making this canal, which received the royal assent the 26th of May, 1826, is entitled, 'An Act for making a navigable Canal from the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal, in the parish of Tettenhall, in the county of Stafford, to the United Navigation of the Ellesmere and Chester Canals, in the parish of Acton, in the county palatine of Chester.' The subscribers to this canal, at the time the act was obtained, were three hundred and twenty-three in number, amongst whom were the Earl and Countess of Surrey, Earl Gower, Lord Levison Gower, Lord Crewe, and many other distinguished individuals, who were incorporated by the name of "The Company of Proprietors of the Birmingham and Liverpool Junction Canal Navigation." They are empowered to raise among themselves the sum of £400,000, in four thousand shares of £100 each, and the act directs that the whole shall be subscribed before the work is commenced, of which, £325,000 was raised before going to parliament. They were further empowered to raise an additional sum of £100,000, on mortgage of the rates and duties, the interest of which is made payable in preference to any other claim.


For Coal or other Minerals, (except Lime,) Coke, Goods, Wares,Merchandize, Commodities and Things whatsoever 1½d. per Ton, per Mile.
Lime ½d. ditto, ditto.

Fractions to be taken as for a Quarter of a Ton, and as for a Quarter of a Mile.


Paving-stones, Gravel, Sand, and all other Materials for making or repairing of Roads, (Limestone excepted) all Dung, Soil, Marl, and all sorts of Manure for the Improvement only of any Lands or Grounds lying within any Parish or Place through which this Canal will be carried, and belonging to the Owners or Occupiers of such Lands as may be required for the purposes of the Act.

Boats of less Burthen than Twenty Tons not to pass without leave, unless there is not Water for a greater Burthen.

Five years are allowed for the execution of the works authorized to be done under this act, and the powers are to cease at the expiration of that period, excepting as to such part as shall have been completed.