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"He has been the ruin of his country."—Morning Post.

"England owes everything to her patriot minister."
Morning Herald.

We now return to London and Miss Arundel again.

One evening, which, as usual, "had dragged its slow length along," on her and her hostess's return home, they were met with a request to adjourn to Mr. Delawarr's library; and there Lady Alicia grew almost animated with the pleasure of seeing her brother.

"Nothing at all has happened since you left us," said his sister.

"Nothing!" returned Edward Lorraine. "You mean every thing. Why, at this very moment I see your sleeves have assumed a different form. I left you in ringlets, and your hair is now braided. I have heard already that our richest duke has put a finish to the pleasures of hope; that seven new beauties have