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they lingered behind,—a gay laugh at first gave sign of their presence, but that soon subsided to a low whisper, which implies such interest in discourse:—

"Speak low, if you speak love."

Once she turned back;—Edward's eyes were fixed with most eloquent earnestness on the exquisite face of his companion,—the rich colour of excitement had banished his usual paleness. Emily felt it almost a relief to look towards Adelaide; but the expression was not

"The soft betraying air
That women loved and flatter'd love to wear:"

there was consciousness, but it was that of beauty—and brilliancy, but it was that of triumph.

In the mean time, Emily was progressing most rapidly in Lord Merton's favour. He had not always been the eldest son—a steeple chase had put one brother out of the way, and a duel another. He was shy from habit, and talkative from nature: the last quality made him wish for a listener, and the first to be obliged to one. Talking uninterruptedly was a luxury he had not yet enjoyed enough