Page:Romance of the Rose (Ellis), volume 1.pdf/103

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“Now, by my head! that seems to me
Well said,” quoth Love, “and I accept
Thy word; that body safe is kept
By him who under lock hath got
His captive’s very heart, God wot!”


This tells how Cupid skilfully
The Lover’s heart with golden key
Locked in such wise, that though his breast
It entered, nought it harmed his vest.2080

The Lover’s heart is locked Love then from forth his alm’ner drew
A little key, well-wrought anew
Of thrice refined gold, and said:
“This to thy heart my hand must wed;
To its safe keeping I confide
My jewels; ne’er hath it belied
My perfect trust. It doth possess
Great virtue, and in size though less
Than thy small finger, wondrous[errata 1] strong;
The name that to it doth belong2090
Is: Mistress of my jewels rare.”

The Lover speaks.

Forthwith Love touched my side with care,
And so adroitly turned the key,
That scarce its path was known to me.
His utter will he thus worked out,
And when I felt ’twas done past doubt,

  1. Correction: wondrous should be amended to yet ’tis: detail