Page:Romance of the Rose (Ellis), volume 1.pdf/126

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And thuswise doth Sweet-Thought assuage
The storms of poignant grief that rage2780
In lovers’ breasts.
I give to thee
This precious boon, and verily,
If thou my next gift valuest less,
Reproach be thine for thanklessness.

Of Soft-Speech Soft-Speech my next gift hath for name,
Which many a man, and many a dame,
Have found of great avail; for all
To whom the pains of love befall,
Beyond aught else desire to hear
Their passion talked of. Proof most clear2790
Hereof assuredly we see
Through her who sang thus merrily:
‘I am,’ saith she, ‘in joyous mind.
Whene’er I hear sweet words and kind,
Exalt my love, for whosoe’er
Singeth his praises, kills my care.’
Of Soft-Speech knew she all the ways
And secrets, and had made essays
Therein, full many a time.
Choose thou,
From out your fellows, one ye trow2800
For wise and faithful, and to him
Pour forth thine heart when all abrim
’Tis filled with love, for comfort great
It giveth to communicate
To some dear friend one’s hopes and fears,
From whom, when all around appears
Hopeless, some ease we yet may find:

Together may ye give your mind