Page:Romance of the Rose (Ellis), volume 1.pdf/150

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The Author.

Then forthwith soft-voiced Franchise sped
Towards where Fair-Welcome stood, and said
With gentlest words, and sweetest tone:


“O wherefore leave you all alone3470
The Lover, for so long a while,
Without so much as one poor smile?
Sombre is he, and pale of hue,
Cast out from sight or speech of you.
If you esteem in some degree
My love, I charge you earnestly
Return to him, make no delay,
But speak and do whatso you may
To cheer his heart. With Danger, I
And Pity wrought so earnestly,3480
That now desireth he no more
To part ye twain as heretofore.”


Fair-Welcome’s readiness Exclaimed Fair-Welcome: “I agree.
Franchise, to that you ask of me.
Seeing that Danger grants your boon.”

The Lover.

Then Franchise hastened towards me soon.
Leading Fair-Welcome, who with bright
And friendly glances met my sight.
To tears of joy mine eyes did melt,
Assured in heart that nought he felt3490