Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/105

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"He did try, Dick," answered the girl.

"What, again?"

"Yes, and what do you think? We had another visit from Tad Sobber."

"And what did he say?"

"He wanted us to give him half of the fortune. Said that if we didn't he would never rest until he got the money."

"What did your mother do?"

"She had two hired men, who happened to be at the house, put him out."

"Good! That's the best way to treat him.'*

"Mamma was very much upset, as you can imagine. And the very next day Josiah Crabtree called, and what do you think he said? He sent word by the maid that he had called not alone on his own behalf, but also on behalf of Sobber."

"Oh, so that's the way the wind blows, eh? They are going to form a sort of partnership, to see if they can't get hold of your money, by one way or another."

"It looks that way, Dick, and I am worried to death."

"I'd like to run Sobber down and put him in prison. He has done a number of things for which he might be arrested."

"I am trying to get mamma to take a trip