Page:Rowland--In the shadow.djvu/151

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of the man, all impressed Giles powerfully; sent quivers down his spine; excited him.


"Yes, Giles, Dessalines the Second, Emperor of Hayti!" The negro voice choked with emotion inspired by his own words. He folded his arms across his broad chest and stared out across the lake. It is probable that for the moment his thoughts were negative; he was all emotion and appearance.

He resumed quietly, still standing. Dessalines disliked to sit.

"To this end, my father has been making preparations in Hayti while I have been preparing myself over here. Through an agent named Rosenthal, a Jew, a white man, but brave and clever, he has been secretly securing recruits for my cause from many points on the island of Hayti. Rosenthal is to purchase a vessel, properly armed and equipped, which will serve the double purpose of transport for the troops and man-of-war; the only armed vessel of any importance now belonging to Hayti is the Crête-à-Pierrot, commanded by a renegade Scotchman or Irishman, Admiral Killik. As soon as Rosenthal has completed his preparations, the President will abdicate—then I will strike!"

Giles leaned forward quickly, then checked himself. "Go on!" he said eagerly.

"In the confusion which will follow the abdication, it should be easy, for an able general equipped as I shall be, to step in and seize the loose reins of government … well?" He raised his voice in impatient interrogation; his French valet was hurrying up the steps of the pavilion. "Why do you interrupt me, Jules?"