Page:Rowland--In the shadow.djvu/212

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spending. His imagination was unable to grapple with want in the abstract.

"But we should economize, my friend," protested Rosenthal. "Myself, I have haggled over every dollar spent. If there is no Crête why spend money unnecessarily for guns?"

"We will find it easier to get back the money paid for the guns with them, than without them," said Dessalines sententiously.

This flash of statecraft impressed the Jew. It was accidental; nevertheless it was there and Rosenthal assented almost with respect.

Dessalines was silent for several minutes. Rosenthal heard him muttering to himself; he was aware of this mannerism of a negro when deeply stirred; alone, Dessalines would have talked aloud.

"It is a sign!" he burst out so suddenly that Rosenthal started. The Jew had been deep in his own imaginings which were purely practical. "It is a sign, my friend; an omen! God intends that I shall win! I have felt it in my heart. It has been permitted me to see visions … like Jeanne d'Arc." Dessalines' voice arose, the protruding eyes rolled, he was possessed. "With the loss of the Crête, Firmin's chances are over, yet this blow has been sufficiently, delayed to block the descent of Nord Alexis from the North. Pierre and Fouchard are at a deadlock. Jean Jumeau, who still holds Gonaïves, will prevent Nord Alexis from reaching Port au Prince. Ah, if we were but there! The opportunity hangs like a mango ripe for the plucking."

Dessalines' emotion had passed; now he trembled with eagerness, with suppressed action. Rosenthal felt